This new cycle comes after RUNNING TIMES, which since 2007 has been probing the subject of time under various guises. The most recent stage of this cycle, "as far as the eye can hear", took place outdoors and aimed to construct an image of time. I tackled the notion of viewpoint by having the audience face a landscape where the show’s three protagonists mapped out their territory. The issues that were raised involved framing, near versus far, out-of-field, scale shift, and public versus private space.
This time round, my starting point is an indoor space, like a homecoming after the large depth of field provided by the open air. By indoor I also mean the space of elementary motions that I wish to explore, starting with my own motion.
What can an unstable body achieve in an uncertain world?
I feel the need to physically share a certain way of moving, of measuring gaps, dents and bumps, of exploring limits - there are many limits in a limitless universe - and perhaps eliciting new elements through active interchange with the performers. The emphasis will be on a two-way dialogue, with imitation or mimesis used as a learning tool. This does not imply theory, but rather implementing our differences. What order or disorder generates this relative knowledge that flows from one body to another? What grammar? It’s about enabling this odd language to evolve. It’s about fording a river and ending up on the neighbor’s shore.
After the time of philosophers comes the time of physicists
I proceed from the title’s ordinary meaning more than from its scientific connotation, even though… the intricacies of the origin of the universe, the infinitely large and small, the zero moment, negative scale, mass, velocity, energy… such notions incite me to dream and to scramble motion. It is a title loaded with a vast subject matter, which already featured in RUNNING TIMES.
The space-time of GENERAL RELATIVITY
The title "nothing is established" derives from the French anagram "rien n'est établi" of Albert Einstein. Einstein is the founder of the General relativity, a new concept of space in which measurements of distance and time are relative to the position and motion of the observer, and where gravity depends on the distribution of mass and on energy flow… In other words, can the huge turf of physical laws be linked to the idea of experimenting with a basic motion, such as for instance the mere fact of standing upright? |
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