cie martine pisani




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rien n'est établi

After the limited and unstable body that we developed in "cosmos blues", "rien n'est établi" (literally nothing is established) puts this body

in prospect with certain modern physics laws.

The instability of the one in relation to the principle of indeterminacy of the other.

This singular body will be translated by six interpreters who have passed by the company over the last fourteen years.


We would like to again explore our limits from elementary movements like walking, running, being held, jumping, carrying, reaching,

going up, going down etc.


In French "rien n'est établi" derives from the anagram of Albert Einstein.

Einstein is the Father of general relativity, a new concept of space in which measurements of distance and time are relative to the

position and motion of the observer, and where gravity depends on the distribution of mass and on energy flow…

In other words, can the huge turf of physical laws be linked to the idea of experimenting with a basic motion, such as for instance the

mere fact of standing upright?


My interest for science came when I worked on the matter of time, within the framework of RUNNING TIMES. The time of the

philosophers naturally made way for the less subjective time of the physicists.


I don't claim to translate equations physically but the assumption of the origin of the universe, the infinitely large and small, the zero

moment, negative scale, mass, velocity, energy… such notions incite me to dream and to scramble motion.


I feel the need to physically share a certain way of moving, of measuring gaps, dents and bumps, of exploring limits - there are many

limits in a limitless universe - and perhaps eliciting new elements through active interchange with the performers. The emphasis will be

on a two-way dialogue, with imitation or mimesis used as a learning tool. This does not imply theory, but rather implementing our



What order or disorder generates this relative knowledge that flows from one body to another? What grammar? It’s about enabling this

odd language to evolve. Fording a river and ending up on the neighbor’s shore.

The physical laws of general relativity are a pretext for a field of adventures, where we are all interdependent, and where our personal

forces combine with less foreseeable forces. Forces finally not so distant that we use to imagine, insofar as the scientific equations are

written starting from daydreams and probabilities.


I envisage a process that is open to research, closed to ‘output at all costs’, and playing with construction; a factory in which team-play

is king.


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