It was triggered by a desire to broaden my work on presence, broached in previous shows, by working with more performers than usual.

I also wish to get closer to specifics, to make certain details visible, to give them different proportions the way film does with the


The idea of the face as a sign of presence, a mediator in the encounter with ‘the other’. It is always bare, and yet secret, strange, as

though absorbed by the inside.

The idea of friendship as how we perceive in ‘the other’ signs that are revealing. There is mystery and twinkle in friendship…

What can we invent when starting out with a common space set up with dancers who expose themselves to the audience? How can we

all be there together?

What do we divulge or conceal of ourselves?

Absence, effort, concentration, elan, joy, fatigue, play, inroad, outroad…

I would like to enact a presence that is disconnected from any logic or narrative other than what involves “time, space and existence”.

I continue to be determined to work in a frontal space. It allows me to explore the space between dancers and audience. What do we

expect from the gaze of others?

The idea of surprise in the search of an unexpected form.

Paris, April 2001

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